For questions and orders call Gilbert @ (859) 962-0160

How we move chicks to pasture

Moving 450 chicks out to pasture can be a labor some task. There are a few things I've implemented to help make the process easier for the family and less stressful on the chicks. Check out the video to see the mobile brooder, the chick-slide, and more.

What is a greenwashed label and how does it affect your buying habits?

The current food system has taken animals out of their natural environment, which is essential for their survival, and placed them in concentrated animal feeding operations also known as CAFOs. They cut corners and use chemicals, antibiotics, vaccines, caffeine, painkillers, and much more to keep the animals alive. These practices are unhealthy and unnatural for the animals and are detrimental to OUR long-term health. Unfortunately, they mask the truth in deceptive marketing, so we continue to buy their harmful products.

Crockpot Beef Stew Recipe

We all enjoy a good stew to lighten the gloominess of winter. So today, I am sharing my favorite, no-fail, easy, healthy beef stew recipe. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Tour of 100% Grass-fed Cows

I farm in a way that models nature. Instead of confining the animals in large barns, the animals are on pasture as God intended. Rather than using many chemicals to keep the animals alive in atrocious conditions, I rotate them regularly from field to field and keep them healthy naturally.